spezie per miscela

Aprillipila – the spice for everything


I have already developed many different spice blends, but today I can announce something special.

Sapori del Mondo – that is, I, have developed a spice that you can really call the “spice for everything”

Not to be confused with “Allspice”, which is a specific spice.


I’ve been tinkering with it for a very long time, but now I’ve managed to combine different spices so harmoniously that the mixture goes with everything.

I mean really with everything:

From meat and meat substitutes to fish, vegetables, legumes, pasta, rice, and eggs – to cakes and cookies – everything can be seasoned with it!

This sophisticated blend adapts to different foods, so to speak – that’s why it enhances salty as well as sweet.

I never thought that I would succeed in this – but I am very proud of it and hope that this mixture will meet the general taste.

From today on, it is enough to have one spice in the spice drawer!

And I think the name Aprillipila is also very appropriate. It comes from Finnish and translates as:

April Fool!

Well, so this “spice for everything” is also an April Fool’s joke.

Unfortunately – or rather, fortunately?

Who knows, maybe one day we will really succeed in finding a spice that adapts to the dishes.

Until then, I recommend the variety of our “real” spices and blends.

Have a good first of April!

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