Maple butter – no butter, but super creamy
Maple butter has nothing to do with butter! But what is it then? Maple butter, often called maple cream, consists only of maple syrup. This is heated, cooled and stirred until the clear, thick syrup becomes cloudy and spreadable. This all sounds quite simple, and actually it is, since it is a purely thermal and mechanical process. But the devil is in the details, as the saying goes! The difficulty lies in reaching the right temperature, cooling to the right temperature at the right rate, and stirring properly. Well, those are some passages that have to be right. I have never made maple butter myself. I love the store-bought one,…
Maple syrup cookies – the ultimate recipe
As promised here is the ultimate maple syrup cookie recipe. Wonderfully tasting, but not too sweet and with a creamy, buttery filling. I admit it, these maple syrup cookies are no lean food, thanks to a lot of butter in the cookie and especially in the filling. By the way, the biscuits are also good on their own, but with the maple syrup-butter-cream filling, they become irresistible! (My husband can’t hear the praise for this cookie anymore ?) They are particularly beautiful cut out in the form of a maple leaf. In Canada, I found this beautiful maple leaf cookie cutter, but of course, the cookies will also…
Maple syrup – 6 questions – and the answers
Maple syrup – a sweet spice Is maple syrup a spice? This sounds a bit unusual for European ears, but maple syrup is used as a seasoning every day in Canada. Maple syrup is not only used for sweet dishes, but also for savoury ones! And in Canada, we discovered a cookbook that only has recipes with maple syrup in it. I first tasted maple syrup when I was sixteen when I first came to the USA and it was served with pancakes. Back home we bought the maple syrup which was available in stores. But it was only after our trip to Canada in autumn 2019 that I knew…