• piment d'espelette

    Piment d’Espelette – what is it?

    Piment d’Espelette is a very special chili I did not know much about piment d’Espelette until now but was often asked if I sell it. That’s why I’ve now done some research about it – and of course, I’ve tasted it! Piment d’Espelette is obtained from a certain variety of chili – from the Gorria. By the way, Gorria means “red” in Basque and this variety of chili is really bright red. Originally, this chili comes from Mexico, just like all other varieties. Today, however, the Gorria is grown and processed in the French Basque Country, around Espelette. The name “piment” is actually incorrect, as it is derived from pepper…

  • Peperoncino

    Chili- the hot berry

    All bell pepper and chili varieties originally came from Central and South America Today, chili grows all over the world. Peppers and chilies belong to the same family And depending on the variety, the fruit (botanically it is a berry) is used as a vegetable or as a spice. Colloquially, however, the berry is usually called a pod. In Latin, the plant is called Capsicum, and in some English-speaking countries, the fruit kept its Latin name. It is not entirely clear where the name Capsicum comes from. Some say it comes from the Latin word “capsa” (with Greek origins), which means box. In other languages, for example in Italian, the…